Friday, 17 June 2011


Yesterday I went to Lis & Claire's Pop-Up shop. Hi Bobby, I saw you there - congrats on the Berlin thing, sounded totally awesome. Do you wanna do the same thing upstairs at my work? I can hook it up. Call me.

Anyway, I was hanging out with Murphy and Simon Panrucker (AMAZING DUDE) and talking about receeding (sp?) hairlines - I have one, but I don't care, it's been the same since I was 16 years old. I don't give a fuck. I've got my dad to thank - he had a photograph on his desk of  himself and my mum on their wedding day in like 1876 BC; they are both totally stoked obviously, but haha, the altitudinous 'line is already plainly visible - he looks like a funky einstein or something. Also he is wearing a sweet tweed suit with flared trousers. Please don't forget to pause for a minute and consider the somewhat orthopaedic shoes he's got on too. I'll scan it and put it up here.

My helmet hairstyle conceals it, my shame (no shame) fairly well, but please know that I'm in the market for a new do. My housemate Sam is going bald rapidly, but he carries it off with aplomb thanks to his charming demeanour and expert gentleman's barbourwork. Sam wears a massive, fake gold chain without a hint of irony and plays in a pub-rock influenced blues-punk band. What a guy, he rules.

I have been experimenting with a side parting, but am yet to find a product that doesnt make me look like I've got a gross, greasy rat's nest on top of my skull. Dax wax is too solid, bryll cream is too oleaginous, wet look gel is too ridiculous to even consider.

Panrucker has a really pronounced hairline - its kind of like the hair is jumping off his head. He is still my favourite freestyle rapper though. Anyway, all this talk about hairlines reminded me of the soft pack, who you will notice have a couple of great receedos and rule pretty hard generally.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I have been mulling over the very same considerations. On the ferry over to France Wesley filmed me sleeping, from a rather unfortunate position, head on, so that the balding patch on my head that I can wilfully ignore most of the time took up most of the shot. I don't think I can excuse my growing hair any longer, and a change of stance on my haircut is imminent. The beard's going too.
